The battle of the Dark Lords!
Who would win in a fight between the dark lord of the Sith and he who shall not be named?
To help you all decide who would win here are very brief descriptions of each combatant:
Darth Vader: Born Anakin Skywalker a slave with no father and , with a high
midichlorian count, was taken in by Qui-Gon Jinn and later trained in
the ways of the Force by Obi-Won Kenobi. Fear and hatred however lead
Anakin to the Dark Side of the force, thus making him Darth Vader. A few
robotic limbs and severe burns put Vader in the suit that sustains his life and tends to his wounds. He is the apprentice and second in command of the Galactic empire to the Emperor Palpatine himself . Vader later killed his master, thus bringing balance to the force and ending the rule of the Empire.
Weapons of Choice: Lightsaber, the Force and his personal TIE Advance x1 Starfighter.
X-Factor: Relentless: (Willing to hurt himself if it means killing his opponent).
Minions: Stormtroopers, Bounty Hunters, and Imperial Guards.
Lord Voldemort: Born Tom Marvolo Riddle to a Muggle father and who's witch mother died shortly after his birth, he was sent to an orphanage at a young age. As he grew up he realized he had special powers and eventually attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he was the top student in the school. Tom however embraced the Dark Arts and took on the persona of Lord Voldemort with the intention to slave Muggles and have magic folk rule the world. He also created Horcruxes to prevent himself from dying permanently, only after they were destroyed he would truly die.
Weapons of Choice: Yew Phoenix Feather Core wand, Various Curses, Spells and Charms.
X-Factor: Horcruxes (He can't die unless they are all destroyed)
Minions: Death Eaters, Giants, and Spiders.
To vote for who you thin would win chick
Here to go to the Facebook page and submit your vote as well as vote for who you'd like to see next week. The Results of this fight will be posted Wednesday!
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