With the release of the Nintendo's new console there are many ways this new system could head, here are my top 5 hopes for the console to make it a must have.
5. Better online gaming - Lets be honest the online for the Wii sucked. Why did they think numbers were the best way to go? The Wii U needs to add gamertags it's easy and has worked for years. Let players talk as well I know that opens the door to trolls and annoying kids' voices in your living room but at least give us the option. Also connectivity needs to be faster and last on the Wii it was just a pain most of the time.
4. HD Remakes- I know sometimes it's a lazy excuse instead of making an entirely new game but some games that were released before on a Nintendo console are timeless and an HD remake would bring them back, and sell well. N64, and SNES were their best consoles, and possibly best of all time, there is no shame in trying to bring them back. Ocarina of Time did very well for the 3DS I can't see how doing this for the Wii U and it's now HD graphics could hurt the company at all. HD remake of Majora's Mask or Mario RPG would make so much money.
3. Hardcore Games - Nintendo has spent years making it self the family and kid friendly console, but it needs to catch up. The top games that sell now are M-rated games. Nintendo needs to not be afraid to make these kind of games, I know they announced they would but they need to do this with their own games as well. An M-rated Metroid game? Yeah that would make sense. Now I'm not saying everyone of their games need to be M or violent but the ones that it would make sense should be.
2. Utilize Franchises - Nintendo has more power with it's franchises then Microsoft and Sony combined. Their problem is they don't utilize them well, they keep shoving Mario down our throats and get lazy and release a sub-par Zelda game instead of the power house the series is. Wii new needs, a Star Fox game, an HD Zelda (getting sick of the cartoon Zelda), a Smash Bros. game and a solid Metroid title. These games can get people to buy the console I don't get why Nintendo doesn't get that. Launch would have been huge if they lead with one of these games but instead we'll just have to wait.
And my #1 hope for the Wii U is...
1. Bring back lost Franchises- Nintendo over the years has lost some of the third party companies that made awesome games for them , part of this is due to the fact that they didn't want to make their game over again to support the motion controls of the Wii or that they went out of business. If Nintendo looked back at those franchises and brought them back it would do so well for them. Banjo Kazooie? Earthworm Jim? Bomberman? That would give me enough reason to buy the console without any hesitation.
What hopes do you have for the Wii U or the other next gen consoles, let us know in the comments or on the Facebook page! Have a great weekend see you all Monday!
I just read an article on Kotaku that discussed multiplayer Black Ops II on the Wii U. While I don't care for the game, they said that 2 players could play local multiplayer on the console, but without using split-screen. One player used the tablet, and the other used a controller with the tv. I really hope that this sets the scene for some fun multiplayer games, and some innovative gameplay with the Wii U. Basically, what I'm saying is, I want to see this game: http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_magsiqwes01r87xsqo1_1280.jpg#.ULkxv5Pjnss
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome, and is a definate way to make some awesome gamplay and stop screen watching as well, and the DND game idea all for it!