Friday, January 18, 2013

Top 5 Epic Rap Battles of History Season 1

If you haven't watched Epic Rap Battles of History before you need to go to their channel on YouTube and start watching, they are one of the most entertaining channels on YouTube. To help you out on your viewing experience this week's Top 5 Friday picks the best ERB has put out to in their first season of their "show" for you.


5. Billy Mays VS. Ben Franklin - Both impressions were spot on, it has a good beat, and this line just rocks "call me Aurthur Miller son cause it's death of salesman!" 


4. Justin Bieber VS. Beethoven - It's fairly clear they made the video for Beethoven to win but hey that's what everyone wanted anyway. Plus using Fur Elise as the beat was an awesome touch, best line : "You wanna trade blows? You can't even hit puberty!"


3. Mr. T VS. Mr. Rodgers - NicePeter's performance is this one is what really makes it he does a great job of capturing the kind but creepiness of Mr. Rodger, and I love the line "I've taught a whole world full of children I can tell you call yourself T cause you're too dumb to spell"


2. Einstein VS. Steven Hawking -  This rap just all around clever and fun, from auto-tune Hawkings to a cameo from Carl Sagen simply great. Best line "I'm as dope as two rappers you better be scared cause that means Albert E equals M C squared!"

And the number 1 Epic Rap Battle of History for Season 1 is.....


Darth Vader VS. Adolf Hitler - This is the rap that got ERB to the glory is has today, it wasn't there first, but it for sure has the best of season 1. I mean it was good enough that fans demanded a second one! Best line is either: "So many dudes been with your mom who even knows if I'm your Father?" or "I am Adolf Hitler commander of the third Reich, little known fact: also dope on the mic!"

Well that's if for this week guys be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Peace out!

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